票 價:網上預售HK$280 / 現場HK$300 (不設劃位)
1. 如閣下有發燒症狀、體溫高於37.5°C或未有正確佩戴口罩,主辦方有權拒絕閣下進場,有關門票費用恕不退還。
2. 協青社範圍內「無煙、無酒、無毒品」,而表演場館內亦嚴禁飲食,觀眾須在音樂會期間全程妥善戴上口罩,如有違反,主辦方有權請其離場,有關演唱會門票費用亦恕不退還。
3. 如政府公佈更新防疫措施,屆時必須遵守最新之防疫安排。
1. 以實名制形式發售。
2. 每張門票必須填寫入場者的中文或英文全名(與身份證或旅遊護照相同),如同時購買多張門票,須填寫所有入場者的中文或英文全名。
3. 每張電子門票 QR Code只限一人入場,持票者需與入場者為同一人。
4. 本活動採用全電子門票形式,成功購買門票後,閣下會以電郵形式收到電子門票 QR Code,入場時以手機出示 QR code,或直接列印 QR Code 作為入場門票掃描及核對之用。
5. 系統發送之 QR code 電子票券等同正式入場門票,一個 QR Code 限一人使用,如閣下購買的是兩張門票,則會收到同等數量的 QR code。
6. 請妥善保管 QR Code 票券,勿於網路分享出示避免遭到盜用,以確保您的權益。
7. 只接受信用卡 (VISA/MASTER) 付款。
1. 已售出門票恕不接受任何退票、退款或改名。購票前請詳閱注意事項,一旦購票成功視為同意所有活動注意事項及安排。
2. 主辦方當日入場前核對身份及電子門票後,會派發手帶予認可入場人士,請妥善保存電子門票及手帶。
3. 為免延誤入場,建議觀眾預留足夠時間完成場地登記程序。
4. 如遇門票/手帶遺失或損毀,恕不補發,請務必妥善保管好購買之門票及手帶,否則主辦方有權拒絕閣下進場,有關門票費用恕不退還。
5. 場館有其入場規定,請持票觀眾務必遵守主辦方及場館的各項規定。如有干擾活動進行之行為,主辦方有權請其離場。
6. 活動相關訊息變動,主辦單位保留隨時變更或終止此活動之權利。
7. 收益扣除開支,全數撥捐協青社青少年發展用途。
8. 如有關活動資訊及票務安排詳情,請向協青社嘻哈學校查詢:dsenquiry@yo.org.hk。
Youth Outreach respects the privacy of individuals. We do our best to ensure the collection, usage, storage, transfer and disclosure of your personal data accord to the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance. This Statement explains our policies and practices on handling personal data.
When you are using the service of Youth Outreach or its service units, providing services to Youth Outreach, being employed by Youth Outreach, making a complaint and/or browsing the websites of Youth Outreach, your personal data may be collected, including but not limited to:
You are obliged to provide the mandatory information as listed on the forms or other necessary information for initiating the process. Otherwise, Youth Outreach may not be able to provide the service you request.
The dissemination of news and information related to Youth Outreach and its service units would be conducted in accordance with the requirements of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, after obtaining the consent from the data subject. Should you wish to stop receiving news and information from Youth Outreach and its service units, please contact us at yoenquiry@yo.org.hk.
If deemed necessary, Youth Outreach may transfer your personal data to places outside Hong Kong, in order to carry out the purposes stated during data collection, or related purposes.
Youth Outreach will only retain your personal data within the period that retention is necessary for the fulfillment of the purposes stated during collection. Shall the personal data we keep be no longer required for the stated purposes, they will be erased within a reasonable timeframe.
Youth Outreach does not rent, sell, transfer or disclose your personal information with other people or non-affiliated companies except under the following circumstances:
Internet technology requires some basic information in order for users of websites to use our online services smoothly. The basic information should include but not limited to IP addresses and/or domain names, browser type and settings, language settings, geographical district, operating system, and time/duration of visit. These data are anonymous and cannot be used to identify the user under general situations. When personal identifiable information of users are involved or collected in Youth Outreach’s websites, users will be prompted to give explicit alert of the collection so as to give consent.
In order to provide you with the best service possible, this website may place and access the cookies dedicated to Youth Outreach’s website on your computer. If you do not wish to accept the writing of cookies, you can set the relevant options in the browser you use, but may lead to some features of the site not functioning properly.
Youth Outreach uses Google Analytics to help us analyse how site visitors use this site. Google Analytics is a service provided by Google. Google can generate detailed statistics on website traffic and traffic sources, and measure conversion rates and sales. Google Analytics uses "cookies" stored on your computer to help analyze how users use our website.
The information generated by the cookie about your use of our website (including your IP address) will be processed anonymously using appropriate settings and then passed to Google's servers (possibly outside Hong Kong). Google will aggregate the data into website activity reports, and then provide the report to us for analysis.
Google may transfer this information to third parties based on legal obligations or when third parties process data on behalf of Google.
You can download and install browser add-on for free from Google and use browser settings to prevent cookies from being stored. Please note that in this case, you may not be able to use all the features of our website. By using our website, you agree that Google will collect and process your data in the manner and for the purposes set out above.
To learn more about how IP Anonymization works, please visit: https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/2763052
"Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on" download page: https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout/?hl=en
Google Privacy Policy: https://policies.google.com/privacy?hl=en
To safeguard the security and properties of Youth Outreach, its staff and visitors, Youth Outreach has installed CCTV monitoring systems in the public areas in some offices and premises. You may be recorded in reasonable ranges of the premises. Generally speaking, video records will be kept for not more than 6 months. Only authorized personnel can access the video records for the purpose stated above.
Youth Outreach takes appropriate measures to protect the personal data we hold from loss, unauthorized collection, use, modification, transfer, access or disclosure.
You should update your personal information with us shall there be any change; otherwise Youth Outreach may not be able to provide the services you request.
According to the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, you have the right to access and correct your personal data and request a copy of the said data. When such requests are made, Youth Outreach will check the requestor’s identity to ensure the requestor is legally entitled to make the data access or correction request. Youth Outreach shall or may refuse to comply with a data access request in the circumstances specified in section 20 of the Ordinance, for example, the requestor fails to provide necessary information to Youth Outreach.
You can make your request by completing the Data Access Request Form (OPS003) available from the Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data (https://www.pcpd.org.hk/english/publications/files/Dforme.pdf) and/or submitting the request in writing; and sending the details to frcenquiry@yo.org.hk. Your request will be answered in 40 days. A fee may be charged for complying a data access request.
Youth Outreach reserves the right to revise this Statement. Revision will be announced on Youth Outreach’s website (https://www.yo.org.hk)
Updated: May 2018